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Samstag, 15. Oktober 2016



Open Letter to
Parliament President Carina Gödecke
of North Rhine-Westphalia

Open Letter to Carina Gödecke
Online Version
Offener Brief an Carina Gödecke

Dear Mrs Parliament President Gödecke,

I writing to you, not because I'm expecting support from you, but rather more to prevent that basic and human rights will be undermined by German judicial authorities with constructed justifications and false accusations by blocking and deletion of online documentations. I have here an expectation that judicial authorities would hesitate on disregarding the public appreciation of you in order to cause censorship on documentation content, addressed to you.

Unfortunately, one is in this country again and again confronted with the cognition, that fundamental and human rights will be disregarded by judicial authorities with advanced justifications and false accusations and even by bypassing ostentatiously the mandatory jurisdiction of the European Court of human rights. There can be no doubt that blocking and deletions of documentation content are based on the assumption that it might be hardly possible to demonstrate the compatibility for inaccessible documentation towards article 10 of the ECHR. Therefore, here an intention must be assumed, which tries the creating of facts, commonly used within injustice systems without application of rules of law as law principles.

Within the underlying documentations are poem collections of Holocaust survivors as well as theories, maxims and quotes from universally highly respected personalities of the present and past blocked by judicial authorities. Also, treatises are blocked, which explores the illegal applications of procedural provisions such as the mandatory attorney's representation before higher courts. The deletions and blocking were reasoned through false accusations such as alleged infringement of copyright, alleged dissemination of malicious software as well as alleged dissemination of other inappropriate content like child pornography or other suggestive content.

The internet reference with its alternate URLs at the end of the document intends to demonstrate the unsubstantiated accusations of applied censorship by judicial authorities and to ensure the public awareness of the brazen violation of the law by judicial authorities, which undoubtedly lets coming up memories of the worst epoch of Germans history for any reflective citizen.

I don't think that we can not longer close our eyes before a re-establishment of an injustice system. Especially since the scientific historical research had once attributed identical mechanisms as significant causes for the initiating and establishing of the worst humanitarian catastrophe.

With kind regards

Abe Treiner





Evidence of the claim of protection according to Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, as well as Article 10 of the European Convention of Human Rights and Article 5 of the German Basic Law.
References to blocked Web sites and alternate URLs
Alternative URLs
Blocked side:PerceptionOfResponsibility
Blocked side: The German Way
Blocked side:Mein Kampf ABOL
Blocked side:The Issue ArbG/LAG
Blocked side: The Issue AFSB
Blocked side: The Issue SAIN
Blocked side: The Story Behind
Blocked side: The Issue TMJP
Blocked side: The Story Behind
Blocked side:HelheimOfEvildoers
Blocked side: The German Way
Blocked side: Divagation
Blocked side: Volition
Blocked side:Mein Kampf ABOL
Blocked side: The Issue AFSB
Blocked side:On My Own Behalf
Blocked side: The Issue SAIN
Blocked side: The Issue TMJP